What is it
Spring themed worksheets
A set of worksheets to work on different skills
Teaching Objectives
Improve matching skills
Practising tracing and writing
Learning labels related to questions that may be asked about them
Understanding and differentiating objectives of various worksheets
Sustained attention for counting tasks in different formats
Improve colouring skills
How to use
Familiarise child with labels associated with the theme “Spring” such as weather, garden, plants, and animals associated with spring
Guide the child to look at and articulate labels that you point to.
Explain the objective of each worksheet and prompt child through initial steps and fade prompt when child understands objective
Teaching tips
Pair this worksheet with videos to aid the understanding of the theme
Here are some videos:
Embed more learning opportunities
Body imitation- watch the video “Springtime Dance! | Jack Hartmann” and get your child to imitate the actions
Expressive language - what is this?
-Specially created by Our Special Story-
Our Special Story provides home based 1-on-1 ABA Therapy, group programs at our centre at Sims Avenue, and school shadowing for children with autism spectrum disorder, speech delay and other special needs.
ABA Therapy can help to improve behaviours, attention, speech and communication, school readiness and social skills.
Book a complimentary consultation and trial therapy session!
#freeprintables #schoolreadiness #earlyintervention #ourspecialstory #abatherapy #autism #specialneeds #autismsingapore #specialneedssingapore #preschoolactivities #ourspecialprintables #differentiatedlearning #springtheme #spring