Home-based 1-on-1 Therapy

Our 1-on-1 ABA program provides your child with individualised and intensive behavioural therapy in the comfort of your own home.
Intervention strategies and programmes are tailored to suit your child’s needs, improving various aspects of his/her development:

Behaviour - managing tantrums and meltdowns, emotional regulation, eye contact, tolerance to work, tolerance to changes, waiting, denials...
Learning to learn skills - ability to sit for some time, ability to look and attend to teacher and materials, ability to scan toys/materials, ability to follow simple instructions, ability to keep hands to self...
Speech and communication - production of speech, initiating language, oral motor skills, articulation, fluency, responding to questions, asking questions, conversations, vocabulary, grammar...
Social skills - social interest, social awareness, turn-taking, sharing, requesting for items or help from peers, conversations, emotional awareness, understanding social cues, observational learning...
School readiness and academics - work habits (copying, organisational skills, etc), numeracy, literacy, writing, reading, comprehension, spelling...
Motor skills - gross motor, fine motor, handwriting, cutting, threading...
Play and leisure skills - playing appropriately with toys, visual-spatial skills, playing with peers, pretend play, occupying oneself meaningfully...
Daily living skills - toileting, eating, drinking, wearing shoes, wearing clothes, brushing teeth, money skills, buying things at the shop...

How we get results and meet your goals
To ensure that your child's learning is maximised, his/her progress will be
consistently reviewed, and
evaluated using data-driven strategies.
Throughout intervention, our experienced team of behaviour consultants and therapists aim to work alongside you to support your child and help him be functionally independent.
What to Expect
Understand your concerns
Share how ABA can benefit your child
Ask any questions
Get advice
Play and interact with your child
See how we carry out therapy
Preliminary assessment
Meet the team
(Behaviour Consultant and Behaviour Therapist) -
In-depth assessment of your child's level in each developmental domain
Determine baselines
Identify your child's strengths and weaknesses
Program (IEP)
Therapy begins
Therapy begins!
Personalised program file
Updates after every session
Regular check ins with parents
Parent education and training
Regular reviews and supervision
Supervision by Behaviour Consultant every fortnight
Regular updates of programs and targets
Program Details
Any age
Session days/ timings
Monday to Friday
9-11am, 1-3pm, 4-6pm
Session duration
Therapist Level
Behaviour Therapist
Senior Behaviour Therapist
Case Supervisor/
Behaviour Consultant
Choose a frequency that is best for you
Cost of enrolment depends on how frequent your child attends classes
Monthly fee
(Inclusive of supervision fees)
2 x / week
8 sessions
3 x / week
12 sessions
What our clients say about us
Jamie Ng
Grace is very knowledgeable and my son has certainly benefitted from her home therapy sessions over the years! She is very supportive and cognisant of my son's needs and the consistent feedback really helps. We really hope and want to have her continuing with us in our journey for years to come!
Cherry Ying
Thank you Our Special Story. I saw great improvement in my son in term of his speech ability and behavioral change after attending few home sessions. The therapist who attend to my son is very friendly yet effective in guiding my son along.
Dewi Wulan Sari
My son has been a client of Our Special Story since September last year. So far I’m very happy with my experiences. I have observed significant improvements in his behaviour and cognitive abilities. A lot of strategies and support were provided as well. Highly recommend their services to parents! Thanks to therapists Teacher Grace, Teacher Sujie and Teacher Wenxi.