Milestones in children development
By 6 months
Watched faces with interest and follows moving objects
Recognises familiar objects, people; smiles at the sound of your voice
Begins to develop a social smile
Likes to play with others, especially parents
Turns head toward sounds
Responds to people's emotions
By 1 year
Enjoys playing social games such as 'peek-a-boo'
Makes sounds or actions to get attention
Follows simple instructions
Looks at the right picture or item when it's named
Uses simple gestures like shaking head for "no" and waving for "bye"
By 18 months
Simple pretend play, like feeding a doll
Says several simple words
May be afraid of strangers
Shows affection to familiar people
Points to get attention from others
Follows instruction with 2 or 3 steps
Carries on a conversation using 2 to 3 sentences
Dresses and undresses independently
Understands turn taking when playing games
Copies a circle with a pencil or crayon
Knows own name, age, and gender
By 3 years
When should I seek help?

These are common milestones and early signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder that a child may display during development. However, every child is unique.
Every child grows and develops at different speeds. He/she may or may not display all or some of these behaviours.
If your child is displaying any of these behaviours, approach a healthcare professional for a developmental assessment or connect with us to clarify any concerns you may have.

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