Social Skills Groups
Develop the skills needed for interacting with others successfully

What is social skills?
Children with autism often face difficulties in social communication and forming meaningful relationships with people.
Some children with autism have little interest in peers and prefer to play by themselves.
Whereas others want to earnestly make friends, but do not know how to do so in a socially appropriate way.
Parents desire their child to connect with another peer, to enjoy playing with another child – someone he can call a friend.
The purpose of our social skills group to develop the skills needed for interacting with their friends successfully.
They will learn how to
play and communicate effectively with their friends, and
learn the intricate social rules necessary for making and sustaining friendships.
Social skills group for EVERYONE
Creating a conducive environment for children with all abilities to interact
Our social skills group class welcomes all kinds of children to join, including typically developing children.
Social skills can be taught to children with autism. However, they also need opportunities to practice those skills and learn from typically developing peers.
Similarly, typically developing children can also learn from children with special needs. Exposure and interaction with children with special needs helps build your child's character.
Your child will learn important soft skills that will stick with them for life, these include:
a better understanding of autism spectrum disorders,
accepting people with different abilities,
being more empathetic and inclusive, and
not taking things for granted.
Quick facts about social groups involving typical developing children and children with autism
47% of typically developing parents in Singapore want more avenues for their children to interact with children with special needs but often do not have conducive opportunities to do so.
– source: Lien Foundation study
Meaningful interactions among autistic and neurotypical children result in significant and lasting intellectual and social benefits for kids with autism, while simultaneously benefiting typical kids as well.
Moreover, these interactions are especially effective in natural play settings.
– source: Zhang & Wheeler 2011
In a social groups setting with neurotypical peers and children with autism,
83 % of neurotypical peers said they “enjoyed it very much”.
The remaining 17 % said they “enjoyed it.”
– source: Indiana Resource Centre for Autism
What we teach in social skills group
We will teach the following 4 aspects through different activities in a progressive manner.
Skill targets will be individualised according to your child’s ability and taught progressively.
For children with special needs
For neurotypical children
Perspective Taking
​The ability to understand that another person has different thoughts and feelings from you.
​The key ingredient in positive friendships and relationships by developing kindness and helping behaviour.
The ability to wait for something or someone. It is accepting delay without getting angry or upset.
To appreciate what we have in life by celebrating the present, while reducing negative emotions and entitled behaviour.
Social Awareness
Social interest in peers
Social cues
Observational learning
Social Interaction
Turn taking, sharing, etc
Making and sustaining friendships
Manage emotions
Social Communication
Requesting (e.g. asking friends to play)
Asking questions
Conversations with friends
Play Skills
Broadening interests in different types of games and activities
Learning the rules of the games


Program Details
Day and Times
3.30 - 5.30pm
Children to Teacher Ratio
5 : 2
7 to 9 year old
13 to 16 year old
It's all about social skills.
Social skills may not come naturally to children with autism, but can be taught to them systematically. Through a series of games and activities, we will guide and practice social skills in a structured teaching environment, then generalise to a less structured one.
In our Social Skills class, you can expect
lots of fun!
guided social interactions to practice specific social skill
individualised targets and goals
Monthly Fee
What our clients say about us
Cherry Ying
Thank you Our Special Story. I saw great improvement in my son in term of his speech ability and behavioral change after attending few home sessions. The therapist who attend to my son is very friendly yet effective in guiding my son along.
Magdalene Tan
Highly recommended!
In fact, I have referred our special story to a few friends and they are loving the care and guidance provided by their teachers. My boy progressed steadily under their tutorage. I am amazed they are able to keep him engaged and learning during every 2 hour session. The tasks and lessons taught are very useful in managing every day behaviour at home, in school and in public.
Brandon Koh
The team at Our Special Story is truly passionate. They treated my son like theirs ! The place is so special, just the right size for my child to grow and learn. The class wasn't too big, and my boy picked up much functioning skills from the team. Thank you once again for being part of our story, and highly recommended.
Our Promise

If the child can't learn the way we teach, we teach the way they learn.

Naturalistic, nurturing and progressive ABA