Level 1 Cut and paste
What is it
Printable worksheet with different prompt levels to learn what each of our body parts do
Level 1: Cut and Paste body parts pictures
Level 2: Tracing body parts words
Level 3: Writing body parts labels with picture prompt
Level 4: Writing body parts
Teaching Objectives
Learning functions of body parts
Learning labels of body parts
Learning how to read and write body parts
Learning to complete fill in the blank worksheets

Example of completed page from Level 1
How to use
Level 1 - Child to match pictures of body parts with their respective functions
Level 2- Trace body part labels to introduce reading and spelling of body parts
Level 3- Introduce child to the format of fill in the blank worksheet. Picture prompts of the correct body part is provided to help child understand what is needed
Level 4- Child to fill in the blanks of different questions independently
Level 2- Tracing
Teaching tips
Start with Level 1 to teach your child what are the functions of the different body parts
Ensure your child is familiar with the previous level before moving on to the next!
Praise your child for attending and looking!
Show your child what each function is after reading each question. For example, when reading “I clap with my ____”, clap together with your child to see if he can fill in the blank verbally
Level 3- Writing with picture prompt
Embed more learning opportunities
Receptive language - where is your elbow? Show me how you run.
Expressive language - what is this?
Sight words/spelling - how to read this? Spell “mouth”
Level 4- Writing (Independent)
-Specially created by Our Special Story-
Our Special Story provides home based 1-on-1 ABA Therapy and school shadowing for children with autism spectrum disorder, speech delay and other special needs. ABA Therapy can help to improve behaviours, attention, speech and communication, school readiness and social skills.
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