What is it
A set of Number Words worksheet with different levels of difficulty and working on different skills (colouring, tracing, writing, and matching)
Teaching Objectives
Learn to read and write the number words from one to ten
Practice on tracing and writing skills
Practice on matching skills
Sustained attention for counting tasks
Improve colouring skills
How to use
Count and colour the correct number of items
Match the number words to the correct numbers
Get the children to read the number word
Trace and write the number words
Teaching tips
Pair this worksheet with videos to aid the understanding of the topic
Here are some videos:
The Spelling the Numbers Song | Counting Songs | Scratch Garden
Embed more learning opportunities
Receptive language – “Point to [number].”
Expressive language – Point to a number word and ask “What number is this?”
Expressive language – Point to a picture and ask “What is this?”
-Specially created by Our Special Story-
Our Special Story provides Home Based 1-on-1 ABA Therapy, Early Intervention Class, School Readiness Class, Social Skills Class and School Shadowing for children with autism spectrum disorder, speech delay and other special needs.
ABA Therapy can help to improve behaviours, attention, speech and communication, cognitive skills, motor skills, school readiness, social skills, self help skills and more!
Book a complimentary consultation and trial therapy session!
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