What is it
A set of worksheets to teach colour attributes through matching, colourin, tracing and writing activities
Teaching Objectives
Expand language by describing (colour)(object) e.g. red car
Practise matching, colouring, tracing and writing skills
Improve sustaining of attention
How to use
Read each word aloud with your child. Choose the correct picture according to the description
Encourage your child to read the words aloud
If your child can read, cover the words on the left and ask your child “tell me about this”
Prompt your child to answer eg. “green car”, “It’s a green car” or “The car is green”
Teaching tips
Play I spy with your child at home or outside. Say “I spy a (colour)(object)” get your child to find the item
Pair this worksheet with videos to make learning attributes more fun
Here are some videos:
Embed more learning opportunities
Receptive language - “Point to red car”
Expressive language - “what is this?”
General knowledge - “Can you tell me something about this?”
-Specially created by Our Special Story-
Our Special Story provides Home Based 1-on-1 ABA Therapy, Early Intervention Class, School Readiness Class, Social Skills Class and School Shadowing for children with autism spectrum disorder, speech delay and other special needs.
ABA Therapy can help to improve behaviours, attention, speech and communication,cognitive skills, motor skills, school readiness, social skills, self help skills and more!
Book a complimentary consultation and trial therapy session!
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