Body awareness and being able to identify body parts is an important aspect of a child’s development. Knowing the different body parts can help children learn how to follow instructions (clean your hands vs clean your nose) or express themselves (my tummy hurts vs my hand hurts).
Typically, children would start pointing to different parts of their body when an adult names them between 15 to 18 months, and would start labeling them by the age of 2. Learning different body parts can be challenging for children with ASD. As such, our team has created more free printables with differentiated levels of learning to help your child learn about the various body parts in a fun and engaging way.
In the upcoming weeks, we will be learning all about body parts through various activities such as games, art and craft and reading. Join us on this journey today, and don't forget to subscribe for weekly updates!
What is it
A dice game involving the movement of different body parts
Teaching Objectives
Learn the labels of different body parts
Learn different action verbs

How to use
Cut the outlines and paste the edges together to make the action and number dice
Throw the action die to determine which action to perform (2 different action dice are provided for more variation)
Throw the number die to determine how many times the player has to perform the action. You may use the number die provided in this printable or any game die you have at home.
If your child is unfamiliar with the action or body part, model it for your child first

Teaching tips
Gather more family members and play this game in a group to work on turn taking
Ask your child to think of different actions he can do with the same body part!
Embed more learning opportunities
Attributes- Include attributes like loud, soft, fast, slow. (e.g. “Stomp your feet fast”, “Clap your hands softly”)
Describing- Perform the action and ask your child “What am I doing?”
Our Special Story provides home based 1-on-1 ABA Therapy and school shadowing for children with autism spectrum disorder, speech delay and other special needs.
ABA Therapy can help to improve behaviours, attention, speech and communication, school readiness and social skills.
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