What is it
Number puzzles - Matching numbers, number words, number of objects and number of fingers (1 to 5) (One colour coded set and one black-and-white set)
Teaching Objectives
Learning the number, number word, counting objects and counting fingers
Learning that the different representations of a number (1/ one/ 1 object/ 1 finger)
How to use
Use the colour coded puzzles first for easier matching
Cut out each puzzle piece
Guide your child to look at the different items on each piece
Label the number, word, count the object and imitate the number of fingers for your child
Once your child is successful and confident at the colour coded pieces, move on to the black-and-white puzzle pieces
Teaching tips
Pair this puzzle activity with a number song/ video to create a more interactive learning experience
If matching all 4 pieces at once is too difficult, cut out one piece from each set and get your child to match the last piece to the correct set. Gradually increase the number of pieces to match.
Embed more learning opportunities
Receptive language - What number is this?
Expressive language - Give me number 1
Counting - How many?
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