What is it
Sorting items into the different occupation mats
Teaching Objectives
Learning to identify the types of pictures/items associated to each occupation
Learning to read the sight words
Matching pictures of the sight words
Sorting the pictures into each occupation without the help of the sight words
How to use
Print out all the mats and pictures
Cut along the dotted lines for the pictures
You can choose to laminate the mats and pictures to make the cutouts more durable!
Practice labelling the pictures one at a time before matching the box. Move on to sorting out a mixture of items and occupations to challenge your child!
Teaching tips
Generalize to other 3D objects
Bring your child into the community so that he can experience the different labels learnt through this activity! (e.g. Writing a letter and dropping it off at the post office)
Embed more learning opportunities
Receptive language - Point to doctor
Expressive language - What is this?
Describing - Tell me something that the firefighter use
-Specially created by Our Special Story-
Our Special Story provides home based 1-on-1 ABA Therapy and school shadowing for children with autism spectrum disorder, speech delay and other special needs. ABA Therapy can help to improve behaviours, attention, speech and communication, school readiness and social skills.
Book a complimentary consultation and trial therapy session!
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