What is it
Writing activity to learn spelling the names of different fruits
Fading prompts by alphabet to encourage independence in spelling
Teaching Objectives
Develop pencil grip
Trace names of fruits
Learn the spelling of fruits
How to use
Get your child to label the picture of the fruit
Encourage your child to read the word before tracing
If your child is still learning to trace letters, prompt your child by using a hand over hand prompt to trace and slowly reduce the hand holding pressure to reduce assistance.
Recite each letter with your child as he or she is tracing it
Have your child read the word again once he is done writing the word
Teaching tips
Use a thick or triangular pencil to help your child hold the pencil with a tripod grip
Use 3D alphabet letters to form the words to practise spelling in a fun way
Embed more learning opportunities
Spelling game: Present a picture of a fruit and get your child to spell it. Take turns with your child and have fun together!
Listening activity: Get your child to listen to the word that you are spelling out. (e.g. What fruit is this? A-P-P-L-E)
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