What is it
Structured worksheets with differentiated levels to teach your child the names of different sea creatures
Teaching Objectives
Learning to recognise word labels of different sea creatures
Worksheet skills- using a ruler
How to use
Various prompts have been provided for learners of differentiated levels
- Dotted matching lines
- Faded picture prompts
- New pictures for generalisation
Allow your child to first look at the pictures of different sea creatures on the page
Prompt your child to point to the words and read aloud
While pointing to the picture, have your child find the matching word on the right side e.g. “Find the word ‘shark’”
Guide your child to use a ruler to join the respective dots together
Teaching tips
Provide lots of praises for doing the work!
Make it into a fun game where you and your child each gets a ruler as a “tool” to complete the “mission”!
Using a ruler requires a lot of practice, be encouraging and generous with your prompts!
Use your child’s sea creatures toys and cut out word labels for him/her to match
Embed more learning opportunities
Receptive language: “Where is the crab?”, ”Let’s pretend to swim like a jellyfish”
Expressive language: “What is this?”
General knowledge: “Which sea creature has tentacles?”
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